Computer Software
- Jaws: Computer screen-reader application designed for people with visual impairments. JAWS reads back text from the computer screen at a comfortable rate making it easier for individuals to navigate the computer. It is not installed on library computers, but any campus user can install it using Software Center (Windows) or Self Service (Mac).
- Read&Write Gold - Text-to-speech and speech-to-text converter, grammar checker and other literacy tools.
Facilities for People with Disabilities
- Volume Control Telephone
- Adjustable height workstations
- Barrier-free public workstations are available in King and the Art/Architecture Libraries, as well as in the Kamm Electronic Instruction Facility in King Library.
- King Library has individual study rooms for persons needing quiet to study.
Accomodations Offered
- Library staff can retrieve materials for people who cannot reach them.
- Patrons may designate a person to check out books on their behalf. Contact the Circulation Desk 513-529-4141 or Katie Gibson more information.
- Patrons may request library materials in alternative formats.
Other Services
- Staff are always available to help clients find information on using library resources– just ask!
Additional University Resources
The Miller Center for Student Disability Services (Oxford Campus)
304 Shriver Center
701 E. Spring St.
Oxford, OH 45056
7-1-1 (TTY-TDD)
AccessMU Center
316 Shriver Center
701 E. Spring St.
Oxford, OH 45056
CARES (Conversion and Remediation Express Services) is a self-service solution for students, faculty, and staff that automates the conversion of documents into a wide range of alternative formats including MP3, EPUB, HTML and digital Braille. This service can also be used to convert documents such as image-only PDF files or scanned images into formats that are more useful for you or easier to work with.
For More Information
For questions about Library Instruction and Information Literacy, please contact Katie Gibson, Humanities Librarian and Library Accessibility Liaison

203 King Library
Email Me